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Oh the places you'll go...

This week I've had a lot of time to sit and think and troll social media, mostly because I'm home-bound at the moment---thanks to the baby nugget! Sometimes you need those kinds of weeks though, because it helps remind you of where you've been, what you've accomplished and who was there along the way. And I'm very grateful. Its a true blessing to be able to slow down, to focus on health and overall wellness, and to experience the world through other's creative's eyes.

Coupled with the immediate entertainment that is Insta and Soundcloud, and well... lets just say its been a wonderful week of discovery!

And I've been utterly AMAZED at some of your posts and stories recently! Specifically, my former students who have gone on to do amazing things in the arts, music, entertainment, dance or theatre. Way to go you! Not to mention the many of you who have gone on to lead beautiful, meaningful, family and professional lives outside of the arts---and believe me, as I am preparing to become a mom, I am really looking to you for inspiration and knowledge! So thank you for that!

But DUDE!!!! Way to make your dreams happen! It all started with you. Your spark, your drive, and your ability to engage and focus your energy on your creative path! You are truly inspiring!

It is such a pleasure to hear and see your work, to experience life through your creative lens, and to see your power and your dreams flourish.

So I wanted to take a minute to say thank you for your work, and thank you for being brave enough to be out there! You are incredible! And please keep doing what you are doing, because it is so meaningful and appreciated. I know the road has been long, and probably full of obstacles, but you are a light in a time when we all need some illumination!

If you are looking for some inspiration, check out some of these amazing artists and give them a "like", follow them, hit them up, expand your palette, find a new friend...ya know!

And keep posting this great content, guys! People like me need ya! AND! If YOU are an artist, entertainer, influencer, writer or fellow creative CONTACT ME! I would love to support and promote your work!

In the meantime, if you are looking to be WOW-ed, check out some of the amazing artists who have inspired me this week:

Musicians and Entertainers



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